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Dandelion & Nori seaweed Salad

One of my favorite greens is "Dandelion green." Dandelion green is powerhouse vegetable and has health benefits

- help good liver, gallbladder, bile duct function

- reduce water retention (= works as a diuretic)

- help improve bone and eye health.

Nutrients : vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium, etc.

I chose red dandelion greens this time for more polyphenols⇩

Nori seaweed is usually used for sushi but I love to use nori for salad.

Nutrients: Vitamin B12 (good for vegan!), vitamin C, calcium, iron, fiber, and plant protein. Nori seaweed looks like this ⇩ you can click to buy here or Japanese grocery stores.

<2 servings>

- 2 cup torn dandelion greens

- 1/2 cup nori flakes (cut by hands)


- 1.5 ~ 2 T soysauce (tamari for gluten free diet)


- a pinch of salt

- 2 T sesame oil

- Japanese seven spices*

1. Wash and torn dandelion greens.

2. Toss dandelion greens and the dressing in a medium bowl.

3. Mix nori flakes just before serving.

*my favorite Japanese seven spices. Click amazon link.

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